Thursday, June 27, 2013

In which Caroline gets a makover...

Maddy here....

It wasn't something I planned on, but it was neccessary. That 'broken thread" in the bridge of her nose turned out to be the fabric coming apart around the seam. I'm not sure what caused it; maybe a small flaw in the material? Whatever it was, her face was starting to come apart at the center seam, and my attempts to fix it ended up not helping at all. Talk about losing face....

So, I made her a new head.
I tried not to change her look too much, and I don't think I did. Her eyes are a slightly deeper blue (as well as both looking the same way this time!), but that's about it. Most of the goth-chick eyeliner effect is the purple fabric marker I used to mark out her features before I inked them in permanently. The purple along the center seam and around her mouth will also fade - probably fairly quickly, considering how humid it is here.

As for Caroline, she's quite pleased with her new look - if I'm lucky, she may even let me have my mirror back sometime before next week....

And this time the center seam is double-sewn on a very tiny stitch (0.8 on my Singer) so it should hold. 

You live and you learn. I'm just glad I could fix it. She may not be a typical Hitty, but I adore her. I fully intend to let her keep talking me into new adventures for a long time to come....

(If I can get her away from the mirror and we don't get slammed by thunderstorms later, I'll let her tell you all about our trip to Hobby Lobby and Lowe's. Little did I know that while I was looking for nitrile gloves in the paint department, she was busy picking out paint chips...)

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