Sunday, November 20, 2022

In which - just a bunch of random photos.....

 Celine - I was thinking of getting it for Gabriel. He'd wear it and have no idea....

Lily: Nice - uh, whatever.....

They look like they're about to drop a killer album....

Them: Don't come in with your attitude.

Me: *Coming in with my attitude*

Because being aware of what's in the background of the photo is for losers....

"With God as my witness, I thought Sontarans could fly..."

"You mean without the trebuchet?"

Sunday, November 6, 2022

In which TikTok Challenges don't always go as planned.....


"Remind me again. How did I get talked into doing this?"

"Oh come on, it'll be fun, Lil, did you find the vacuum cleaner?"

"Yeah, but I can't find the other attachment. Just the floor thingy."

"No worries. That'll work just fine."

I don't think Ramona was quite into this, but if this goes viral...

"Okay, so, we put the hose in here and suck all the air out and..."

"What in the...?"

"Vacuum Seal Challenge. For TikTok."


I think Maddy's decided not to ask too many questions. I also think she may be taking notes.

 "Hey ladies. What's all this?

"Oh, hey Jamie. We're just doing a little TikTok challenge thingy here," Lily said. 

"Okay, guys? Get me out. Like, now...." Ramona definitely wasn't as into this as we were."

"No problem. I got this..."

"Maddy, get away from me with those things! You have no idea what you're doing!"

"Hush, I know exactly what I'm doing. Just hold still and I;ll have you out of there in a jiffy..."

"Who says "in a jiffy" anymore? And don't cut my dress!"

"I'm not cutting your dress! I'm cutting the..."

"Crap. Sorry about that...."

"This better not be going on TikTok!"

"It's not going on Tiktok. I promise!"

Lily to Jamie: "I hope you're not rethinking staying here." 

I don't think he was expecting a Time Lady, a half-angel, half-Gallifreyian and a bunch of Hittys, but he seems cool with it. 

Jamie's an Island Doll Jonas, and he arrived Thursday. Yesterday morning was an emergency sewing session because NOTHING we'd gotten in anticipation of his arrival actually fit. Well, the shirt kind of did, but the trousers - yeah, no, that wasn't happening. He was really chill and understanding about the whole thing, though, although he's glad to have some stuff that he can actually get on now. He's just really chill and laid-back in general. And yes, he's also - big. Really big. If he's standing up, Maddy's head comes about to his knee and I think his entire foot is as long as Lily is tall. 

But yeah, maybe that whole vacuum seal thing wasn't a great idea....

Bonus pic:

Lenore: Don't look now, Miss Maddy, but isn't that Mr. Fell's awful boss?

Maddy: Who? The Archangel Freaking Gabriel? Where is he? I'll....

Lenore: I said *don't* look....

Monday, October 10, 2022

In which not a whole heck of a lot is actually happening......


You know, if this went right back into spring, I think I'd actually like it. But hello darkness, my old friend, why are you here at 4:00 PM isn't really my thing. It's kind of a drag. You really don't even want to *do* anything. 

Our totally amazing and awesome human had a job interview this week. She honestly wasn't entirely interested in it, but said that it's good to do an interview every so often to freshen up your interviewing game. She was even less interested in the position after she interviewed for it. I mean, it sounded interesting, but she said she really, really didn't want to work for that particular organization. They do good work, but as for the mechanics of how they're run - I think "clusterf**k" was the term she used. So there was that. Anyway, she's good where she is, but has her eye on her supervisor's job when said supervisor retires in about two and a half years. 

And before I go any further, Happy Gotcha Weekend to our favorite Time Lady, Maddy Baker, who I think you will agree is pretty awesome in any form. In our house, Indigenous Peoples' Day coincides with Maddy's Gotcha Weekend, although yesterday was the actual anniversary of her arrival here in 2015. 

Fawn and I were thinking that mosquitoes had gone back to hell where they belong, to borrow Maddy's phrase, but were unpleasantly surprised. At least there were no unexpected acorns, though. 


Celine: "Is that a plane?"

Lenore: "I think it's a really big bird. Like bald eagle kind of big."

Celine: "We have bald eagles here?"

Lenore: "Miss Caroline said she and Mister John have seen them down near that little airport. Near the Hudson River."

Celine: "Zephyr said that one of the other dolls told her that birds are actually government drones. But that doesn't sound right."

Lenore: "Who?"

Celine: "I think she said Tori...."

Lenore: "Miss Tori also thinks the earth is flat. Kind of like her head."

Celine: "I'm still not used to pixies, Devas I get - I mean, they're just another type of angel, like me - but are all of the pixies as weird as Tori?"

Lenore: "No, some of them are even weirder. Most of them are okay, though. And I thought you were a Time Lady like your mother?."

Celine: "I'll never actually be a Time Lady like mom. You have to be pureblood Gallifreyian to attend the academy. And my dad's not from Gallifrey. He's from - well - The Up."

:Lenore: "But you're an angel like he is. You can miracle things."

Celine: "Well, yeah, but - What do you want me to miracle? I mean - I'm not going to do it if it's not going to be a good idea."

Lenore: "I - actually no. Well, maybe that we find what Miss Caroline and I did with that box with a bunch of the winter clothes in it. I'm still looking for my hoodie."

Celine: "What else were you thinking?"

Lenore: "That maybe that new doll your mother was talking about gets here soon?"

Celine: "I hope so. But I don't think it would be a good idea to miracle that."

"That's more of a summoning," Maddy said, joining them. "And no, that's not always a good idea. Like the time you and your dad summoned your uncle Crowley out of the shower?"

Celine looked at Lenore. "I warned him that next time he should pick up his phone or my dad was going to do that."

Lenore: "I've come to think you were right. About who really wants to be an only doll. And that  - well, I really should appreciate what I've always had."

Fawn: "I know I came off all wrong back then, but - after being on display in a cabinet, then getting sold because my person got bored with me and then the person who bought me putting me up for sale because she decided she didn't really want me..."

Lenore: "But it all worked out. In the end."

Bonus pics:

Yours truly.....


Lenore again....

Maddy, Celine, Emmie and myself.....


And Celine.....

And yes, we're awaiting the arrival of a *really* big guy from Island Doll.....

Sunday, September 25, 2022

In which = an update!

You know, I think I'd actually like autumn if it went right back into spring. Or maybe we could have just a month on winter - like say, December - then it turns nice and warm again. Although Celine pointed out that, with global warming, I'd probably better be careful with what I wish for....

Anyway, before I go any further - I don't know if you've heard of "reshelling," but it's basically like regeneration. More common with BJDs, but it's an established character taking on a new body. Sometimes a new sculpt. Lenore was actually once a character named Eleanor who was reshelled as a larger doll, for example. Well, Maddy and Celine looked into it and decided that it seemed like it might be a good idea. If you're just slightly bigger it opens up all kinds of clothing options that aren't available when you're six inches tall, so...they went for it. 

Maddy figured she'd try it first. I think she'd just gotten back from a trip to Rhyl, Wales in 1984 here I think she met the guys from the Alarm. 

Celine and I have very similar taste in clothes. She went a bit more ginger this time around. 

Celine's other new project is is making Emmie believe she's awesome. 

That, I think, is going to take some work, but I think Celine's up to it. 

We're also awaiting the arrival of a fella who will be the biggest member of our crew to date. 

Maddy said Celine had a little bit of a "She's a woman - and she's the TARDIS!" vibe going on here. I thought it was more colonial Williamsburg chic. Celine said neither of us knew what we were talking about. 

Another shot....

Maddy getting nautical.....

Maddy: "Earthlings....."