"I like it." Maddy nodded approvingly.
Maddy's been here just over four years, but this is the first time we've met Celine, her daughter, who's been attending St. Luke's University in London. Why not the Academy on Gallifrey, you ask? Well, there is the slight problem of Celine's parentage. Apparently if you're not fully Gallifreyian, you can't attend. And the thing is.....

"Dad!" Celine looked around. "For one thing, it's not revealing. For another thing, I'm twenty-two. I'm hardly a cherub anymore."
"You're practically a baby. And I really don't think you should go out dressed like that. It's almost as scandalous as the outfits your mother wears. Why, not so long ago she would have been traipsing about in her undergarments..."
"Angel, knock it off. It's the twenty-first century."
Aziraphale looked around. "I can't believe you picked that sort of getup out for her. She's a cherub!"

"She's twenty-two. She's an angel. And there's nothing wrong with it!"
"Crowley, dear, I know you were just trying to be nice..."
"Shut it, angel! I'm a demon. I'm not NICE!" I should point out that this time, Crowley was just trying to get Aziraphale in a position where he could kiss him to shut him up.
You rarely see an angelic facepalm in the wild, but there you go. "Dad, Uncle Crowley, you're both embarrassing. And I'm also wearing it." She was actually trying not to laugh. My person was, too, even though Crowley slamming Aziraphale up against her sewing machine had caused her to unthread her needle.

"You'll see how bold I can be, angel...."

I need to explain.
First off, Aziraphale (it's pronounced a-ZEER-a-fell) is an angel. Well, technically, a Principality, but let's go with angel for now. You might know him as the Angel of the Eastern Gate (which implies that there were other gates, although he says this wasn't the case) from the Garden of Eden. Or the one with the bookshop who helped stop the Apocalypse awhile back. Either way, he and his demon boyfriend Crowley sort of got "discorporated," as they put it, and ended up here with the rest of my person's crew, probably because of Maddy. You see, Maddy, as it turns out, had her own little secret. She was, for reasons she won't go into, forced to live on Earth as a human for quite some time. Along the way, she got married, which was a disaster, and ended up pregnant with a daughter about the time her husband left her. When she ended up incapacitated following an emergency C-Section, Aziraphale signed Celine's birth certificate - as Azira Fell. He and Crowley also named her - Celine Elizabeth Ashteroth Madrigal Jantonia Azira Baker-Fell. I think "Celine" was the only bit Maddy intended to use. I also have a feeling she wasn't too happy when she found out the true enormity of it. All of this was well and good until Maddy's ex showed up four years later and tried to take Celine away. The court ordered a DNA test since this rare book dealer from Soho was also claiming to be the baby's father. Aziraphale said he was trying to miracle the results of the DNA test, which I guess he kind of did, more or less. Except what he miracled was actually Celine's DNA. Remember how she was half-human and half- Gallfreyian? Well, now she's half-angel/Principality/whatever Aziraphale is and half-Gallfreyian. Yeah, he should have gotten in trouble for it, but somehow didn't.
And of course, there's also Crowley. So - apparently he's the Serpent who started all the trouble in the Garden. Except he really was as surprised as everyone else when all that happened. And he actually is really nice for a demon. He smuggled a whole bunch of kids aboard Noah's Ark on the theory that he was being evil and disobeying God by saving them, but he didn't have time to go back and get the unicorn that ran off. According to Aziraphale, he also didn't know why they needed two of them, which left Aziraphale having to explain the proverbial birds and bees to him afterwards. He still says he wishes he'd gotten the unicorn back. Maddy's gone back several times to try to find a few pairs, but hasn't had any luck so far.
He's also convinced that he can run my person's sewing machine, since the Scottish guy who played him on TV once said that driving the (gorgeous!) 1926 Bentley was like driving a sewing machine. Since that remark was in response to a mishap that broke the passenger door on-set, my person is understandably reluctant to let him near her Singer.
Aziraphale can be fussy and a little bitchy from time to time, but he's also really sweet. He had to raid the Pukifee clothing stash for sort of kind of anything that fit, although my person has promised to try to make him something like he usually wears. Although the turtleneck is really cute on him.
Celine really is quite young for either an angel or a Time Lady. Neither she, Maddy or Aziraphale are entirely sure of what abilities she's inherited yet.
Notes: Aziraphale is a Pukifee Jude and Crowley is a Pukifee Luna, And if you haven't checked out "Good Omens" (it's on DVD and Amazon Prime) yet, you're missing something really fun.
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