Sunday, September 25, 2022

In which = an update!

You know, I think I'd actually like autumn if it went right back into spring. Or maybe we could have just a month on winter - like say, December - then it turns nice and warm again. Although Celine pointed out that, with global warming, I'd probably better be careful with what I wish for....

Anyway, before I go any further - I don't know if you've heard of "reshelling," but it's basically like regeneration. More common with BJDs, but it's an established character taking on a new body. Sometimes a new sculpt. Lenore was actually once a character named Eleanor who was reshelled as a larger doll, for example. Well, Maddy and Celine looked into it and decided that it seemed like it might be a good idea. If you're just slightly bigger it opens up all kinds of clothing options that aren't available when you're six inches tall, so...they went for it. 

Maddy figured she'd try it first. I think she'd just gotten back from a trip to Rhyl, Wales in 1984 here I think she met the guys from the Alarm. 

Celine and I have very similar taste in clothes. She went a bit more ginger this time around. 

Celine's other new project is is making Emmie believe she's awesome. 

That, I think, is going to take some work, but I think Celine's up to it. 

We're also awaiting the arrival of a fella who will be the biggest member of our crew to date. 

Maddy said Celine had a little bit of a "She's a woman - and she's the TARDIS!" vibe going on here. I thought it was more colonial Williamsburg chic. Celine said neither of us knew what we were talking about. 

Another shot....

Maddy getting nautical.....

Maddy: "Earthlings....."