And she's cool. Like, really cool.
And like any self-respecting star, she has tattoos.
And she's really sweet. And guess what? They don't just sing about sex, sex, sex. It's a lot more complicated than that. Because, as my person will tell you, desire doesn't necessarily mean sex. It can be a desire for - well, anything. Freedom. Justice. Equality. Education. A better life. A new start. Which, says Harlow, is why Sirens are so dangerous. Because they make humans want the things that perhaps, the Powers That Be, as she puts it, don't want them to have. They give us all the power to dream. To act. To believe that we can in fact make a difference. And when that power is held by a woman - even worse.
But it's not just the Sirens who hold the power to speak directly to our souls. It can be anyone. Or at least that's what Harlow told my person when she asked if Mike Peters was one of Harlow's lot. She's been listening to the Alarm again. A lot. Because it was on a February night in 1984, in a music store in a mall that no longer exists, that she first heard a voice in the noise pollution.....